Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dare to Dream

Dare to dream, dare to fly...

Kelly Rae Roberts offers an e-course called "Flying Lessons: tips and tricks to help your creative business soar" (link in the side-bar) and if you're interested in starting a creative business or just being more creative - I highly recommend it. It's more of an experience than a group of lessons and it'll take a while for it all to soak in, but I'm glad I took it. The "flyers" were mostly women and it never ceases to amaze me how much crap society dumps on us, all of us. Leaning to be clear about who you are is so imporant and so difficult and it's something I've been working on for a long time.

I made the necklace above for a friend - she's bold to defend others and stand up for what's fair, but she doesn't defend herself. I wanted her to feel the encouragement and acknowledgment of her own self-worth, dare to fly!

You, who are reading this, are valuable! Find your wings, jump out of the nest and soar!

1 comment:

Carol @ The Red Painted Cottage said...

Love this necklace and your comments about our class. Wasn't it great! I learned so much. Thank you, also, for your wonderful comments on Corbin's paintings.