The redecorating is going – slowly, it’s weekend work. I can hardly wait to see it finished!
The workbench had a lot to do with starting this project – it was originally in a computer repair shop and then it spent some time in the yard; I was so happy to have place to work I didn’t bother to finish the rough surface but it’s hard to clean. So it’s sand and spackle, sand and spackle.
When the spackle is dry and the sanding is finished the bench gets a couple of coats of “Gripper” which is my favorite under coat. I used it on an old, stained maple bookcase under an off-white top coat – the stains and rust have never come thru and the bookcase lives under an evaporative cooler – nothing survives the cooler – and it looks just as good as the day it was painted.
Outside my parsley “forest” has decided to bolt, every single parsley stalk is blooming and all of these plants came from one delicious flat leaf plant.
Okay, time to get back to work – off to the salt mine!